About Me

Hi there! I Am Debargha I Teach People How To Make Web And How To Make It Look Good

Web Developer

Hi there! My name is Debargha Nandi and I'm a Web Developer. I absolutely love HTML & CSS, and I want to help new front-end devs enjoy learning it, and help seasoned vets see how great it really is. Most of my content is over on YouTube, but I also stream on Twitch, and write articles every now and then as well, not to mention my courses.

Agriculture Story

Agriculture, with its allied sectors, is unquestionably the largest livelihood provider in India, more so in the vast rural areas. It also contributes a significant figure to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Sustainable agriculture, in terms of food security, rural employment, and environmentally sustainable technologies such as soil conservation, sustainable natural resource management and biodiversity protection, are essential for holistic rural development. Indian agriculture and allied activities have witnessed a green revolution, a white revolution, a yellow revolution and a blue revolution.

What I am good at?

Whether you're trying to learn what you need to tweak your small business' website or you're looking to jump start a new career, I'm here to help.


In The Website The HTML Use to Create Stracture And CSS Use To Create Beautiful look Of Website.

Agriculture Ideas

How Indian agriculture can be done properly and can be grown further is also given a proper idea

My Work

Aenean sollicitudin ex mauris, lobortis lobortis diam euismod sit amet. Duis ac elit vulputate, lobortis arcu quis, vehicula mauris.

First Title

free to use our template

Second Title

please tell your friends

Item Fourth

Re-distribution not allowed

Fifth Awesome

Ut sollicitudin risus

Awesome Sixth

Donec eget massa ante

Contact Me

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